"Get Instant Access to the ELEVATE Membership
with Candace Roberts and THRIVE in Your Gifts!!" 

(Designed specifically for highly sensitive individuals, to empower you with practical strategies, teaching, and insights for navigating your sensitivity and spiritual gifts with wisdom.)

    Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Tap the video)

This Elevate Membership is your home for personal growth, resources, and encouragement to help you cultivate intimacy with the Lord, grow in confidence and identity, and embrace your powerful highly sensitive nature.

Includes: LIVE Training for Highly Sensitive, Kingdom Minded Individuals!

Elevate Membership empowers you to grow, thrive and find your place among highly sensitive, Kingdom-minded individuals. Join us today and unlock the remarkable possibilities that await!

You want to thrive in sensitivity, reign over emotional overwhelm, and honor the Creator with your gifts.. Only problem is... where do you even start?!

There are 3 main hurdles that are keeping you from flourishing in this...

Which one is keeping you stuck?

  • You struggle to discern whether your emotions are yours or not: 
    You constantly feel, see, hear, and know things about others, but often struggle to divide what belongs to you, and what belongs to them. You pick up on all the subtleties spiritually and emotionally, but you haven't learned how to carry them without becoming anxious and overwhelmed.
  • You haven't learned to reign over your emotions: 
    Managing he overwhelm and over-stimulation often leaves you confused, anxious, and defeated. You continue to STAY overwhelmed and over-stimulated, no matter what you try to do about it. Yet somehow, you believe there is a purpose for all of this ... (you're right!)
  • You struggle to see this highly sensitive nature as a gift that can bring glory to God: 
    You know you're smart, capable, and confident in life, but you're looking for help to rule these gifts, without falling into the traps of new age, or settling for just another "way to cope" with your emotions, when you know there is a better way, full of life in the Spirit of God.

You've struggled to find the right Kingdom-minded guidance for growing in these gifts, which is causing you to...


Continue to live in a perpetual state of overwhelm, wishing you had answers that would help you break free and embrace the purpose for your gifts.


Struggle in this emotional chaos, wondering if you'll ever turn this into a calm confidence, so that you can walk out your purpose with clarity and joy.

And no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to find the peace and confidence to fully walk out your highly sensitive, God-given nature like you were born to! Sound familiar?

Hey friend, my name is Candace!

Hey friend, my name is Candace!

I am a former mental health therapist, and a current minister, writer, wife, mother of 5, prophetic voice, and survivor of narcissistic abuse.

During a period of 7 years, I experienced an incredibly difficult wilderness season. During this time, I experienced the complete stripping away of almost everything in my life. I found myself a single mother of four children; my youngest was extremely ill at the time and required daily medical care to survive. I had to surrender everything, including finances, belongings, closest friendships, and much more, during this season.

Through this process, I realized the unhealed places in myself that led to relationships riddled with abuse. I learned what true surrender was and the beauty it produced. 

That season of my life unveiled my purpose, my potential, my gifts, and the keys I'm about to teach you that will help you begin to thrive as a highly sensitive individual. I discovered the power of God, and how my emotions were actually a gift given to empower me beyond my own limits. Exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can ask or think is waiting for you on the other side of this journey discovering your gifts!

Coaching with me is a unique experience that combines all the best aspects of counseling, coaching, and prophetic ministry. I don’t just help my clients create goals and achieve them. I walk them through a complete transformation. I teach and impart the keys of intimacy, tear down false mindsets, face fear head-on, and expose every area that would keep them from fully surrendering everything and jumping off the cliff with Jesus once and for all.

Thank you so much for showing interest in this FREE 3-Day Virtual Summit!! I can't wait to meet you, and partner with you in this season of empowerment!
I am a former mental health therapist, and a current minister, writer, wife, mother of 5, prophetic voice, and survivor of narcissistic abuse.

During a period of 7 years, I experienced an incredibly difficult wilderness season. During this time, I experienced the complete stripping away of almost everything in my life. I found myself a single mother of four children; my youngest was extremely ill at the time and required daily medical care to survive. I had to surrender everything, including finances, belongings, closest friendships, and much more, during this season.

Through this process, I realized the unhealed places in myself that led to relationships riddled with abuse. I learned what true surrender was and the beauty it produced. 

That season of my life unveiled my purpose, my potential, my gifts, and the keys I'm about to teach you that will help you begin to thrive as a highly sensitive individual. I discovered the power of God, and how my emotions were actually a gift given to empower me beyond my own limits. Exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can ask or think is waiting for you on the other side of this journey discovering your gifts!

Coaching with me is a unique experience that combines all the best aspects of counseling, coaching, and prophetic ministry. I don’t just help my clients create goals and achieve them. I walk them through a complete transformation. I teach and impart the keys of intimacy, tear down false mindsets, face fear head-on, and expose every area that would keep them from fully surrendering everything and jumping off the cliff with Jesus once and for all.

Thank you so much for showing interest in this FREE 3-Day Virtual Summit!! I can't wait to meet you, and partner with you in this season of empowerment!

get instant access:

Experience a community dedicated to uplifting and celebrating your highly sensitive nature. Receive encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to embrace your unique gifts in this powerful season of your life!

Crazy, I know... but you can Join Today for only $33

Here’s What You’re Getting In The Membership:

Tailored content

Get access to curated content designed specifically for highly sensitive individuals, empowering you with practical strategies to navigate life's challenges and embrace your sensitivity

Growth and Confidence 

Growth and Confidence: Elevate Membership is your platform for personal growth, providing tools, resources, and encouragement to help you cultivate intimacy with the Lord, grow in confidence and identity and embrace your highly sensitive nature. 

Supportive Community

Connect with a community of like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate the depth of your experiences. Receive support, share victories, and build lasting relationships with others who walk a similar path.

Authentic Guidance 

Elevate Membership delivers pure one-of-a-kind content, free from new age mixture, providing you with authentic guidance rooted in faith, integrity and the principles of the Kingdom.

Exclusive Encouragement: 

Experience a community dedicated to uplifting and celebrating your highly sensitive nature. Receive encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to embrace your uniqueness and make a positive impact in the world.

prophetic development

Learn from a seasoned and respected prophetic voice as you develop in your gift and identity. Be fueled with fire as you learn how to move in the prophetic, stewarding your live in alignment with the Father's love.
For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:
That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...
After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..
He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

Get Access to the ELEVATE Membership Today!

Remember, when you sign up for this community and memberhsip, you'll get...
  •  Tailored Content: Get access to curated content designed specifically for highly sensitive individuals, empowering you with practical strategies to navigate life's challenges and embrace your sensitivity
  • ​ Growth and Confidence: Elevate Membership is your platform for personal growth, providing tools, resources, and encouragement to help you cultivate intimacy with the Lord, grow in confidence and identity and embrace your highly sensitive nature.
  • ​Supportive Community: Connect with a community of like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate the depth of your experiences. Receive support, share victories, and build lasting relationships with others who walk a similar path.
  • ​Authentic Guidance: Elevate Membership delivers pure one-of-a-kind content, free from new age mixture, providing you with authentic guidance rooted in faith, integrity and the principles of the Kingdom.
  • ​Exclusive Encouragement: Experience a community dedicated to uplifting and celebrating your highly sensitive nature. Receive encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to embrace your uniqueness and make a positive impact in the world.

All of this Value in one Membership...
...for just $33/Month

Have a burning question? Here’s some quick FAQ's that might help:

I'm not 100% sure if I am a highly sensitive person, but this whole page resonates with my experiences. Is this for me?
This Membership is designed for Kingdom minded people, and I believe that these truths can help anyone learn to embrace the power of God in their lives, as a well as understanding their identities. If you're unsure, I recommend just joining! 
What if I can’t make it live?
Don’t worry about it! Your ticket comes with lifetime access to the call recordings, so you can watch whenever is best for you.

However, I’ll be diving deep and answering questions LIVE, so I HIGHLY recommend you show up and make the time! If you don’t prioritize your biz now, when will you?
Will this help me learn to help other people too?
For sure, friend! What I'll be sharing in the Membership will empower you with WISDOM to help other HSP's, and also will empower you to thrive in your gifts, which leads to ministry, or other forms of communicating to people with miraculous results!
Why is it so cheap to join?
You're right...maybe I should increase the price? Just kidding!

But in all seriousness, I believe the information in this Membership should be made available to everyone (no matter their situation), which is why the ticket price is so affordable.

With that being said, I can't confirm if the price will stay this low in the future so I recommend you take advantage of it while you can!
Where & When is this Virtual Summit happening?
It's all going down inside our Private Facebook Group! This is an ongoing Membership :)

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes..

If you're sick and tired of trying to figure this out and not getting results...

If you've ever thought "I thought I'd be further ahead by now"...

If you're fed up listening to all the competing advice swirling around online and just want someone to tell you the truth about your gifts and abilities as a highly sensitive person...

Then straight up? You're missing out if you're not in this Membership!

Because "winging it" and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling. And you deserve better than that.

So.. you in? 

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes..

If you're sick and tired of trying to figure this out and not getting results...

If you've ever thought "I thought I'd be further ahead by now"...

If you're fed up listening to all the competing advice swirling around online and just want someone to tell you what to do and how to do it...

Then straight up? You're falling behind if you're not in this Challenge.

Because "winging it" and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling. And you deserve better than that.

So.. you in? 
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